Education Luncheon: Capital Campaigns Workshop
Capital Campaigns Workshop
Tom Kissane, Principal & Managing Director of CCS Fundraising will lead a campaign workshop and cover: setting the goal, making the case, feasibility studies, managing leadership and staff, and how to avoid making the most common mistakes.
Our Presenter:
Tom Kissane – Principal and Managing Director, CCS Fundraising
Tom Kissane is fortunate to have spent his 29-year professional fundraising career exclusively with CCS. During that time, he has partnered with hundreds of extraordinary organizations in designing, implementing, and providing strategic oversight to over 1,000 fundraising initiatives. The programs for which Tom has provided counsel have raised more than $3 billion on cumulative goals of $2.5 billion.
Tom’s areas of expertise include feasibility and planning studies, landscape analysis, development audits, philanthropic assessment programs, major capital campaigns, annual giving efforts, endowment fundraising, and board recruitment. He focuses on major gift identification and solicitation, campaign management, and client relations.
Tom currently serves on the Board of Trustees for St. Mary’s Children’s Healthcare System in Bayside as well as the De La Salle School in Freeport, and also serves on the Editorial Review Board of Giving USA.
Thank you to Our Sponsor:
High Watch Recovery Center is a not-for-profit, 78-bed residential facility in Kent, CT committed to seeing the disease of addiction in remission for every individual we treat. We combine the latest breakthroughs in addiction medicine alongside the principals of Alcoholics Anonymous’ 12 Steps. Inspired by Bill Wilson, co-founder of AA, we have operated continuously for 80 years.
Date: Thursday, March 5, 2020
11:30 AM Registration and Networking
12:00 PM Buffet Lunch and Program
Location: Hub & Spoke, 3001 Fairfield Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06605
Luncheon Fee
*GUEST of AFP Member – $40
A BENEFIT for all AFP-Fairfield County Chapter Members! We encourage you to invite a prospective member to an AFP educational program at a special rate of $40.
*Reservations can be made online by the guest, but the Member must attend the event. Walk-in guests will not qualify for special rate. Guests may only receive a special guest rate one time.
You earn 1 CFRE credits toward certification for this event.
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